Teresa Badrock
Mar 30, 2023
Curiosity Killed the Cat
This proverb is often offered as a warning to deter people who ask too many questions. However, a curious, questioning person would soon...

Teresa Badrock
Feb 25, 2023
The Man and The Road
A man, who was blind, had been waiting a while at a busy road for someone to offer to guide him across, when he felt a tap on his...

Teresa Badrock
Jan 29, 2023
Parable of the Polygons
It’s Friday! Time to start the weekend with a bit of fun and learning (so you can justify doing this while at work). My partner and I got...

Teresa Badrock
Dec 21, 2022
The Brewery
A very old traditional brewery decided to install a new canning line, so as to enable its beer products to be marketed through the...

Teresa Badrock
Nov 29, 2022
Prove this chair does not exist
A philosophy professor gave an unusual test to his class. He lifted his chair onto his desk and wrote on the board simply: "Prove this...

Teresa Badrock
Oct 29, 2022
The Teaching of the Donkey
One day a farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The animal cried loudly for hours, while the farmer tried to find something to do to get him...

Teresa Badrock
Sep 28, 2022
Our Scars
“And let me introduce Scarface. King of this section of the river. 600kg of croc. Age unknown, probably over 60. Best known for muscling...

Teresa Badrock
Aug 30, 2022
The Three Barriers to Action
When we find ourselves not taking action, there are three main reasons why. Three barriers. Identifying which reason is important. It...

Teresa Badrock
Jul 30, 2022
Undeserving Villains
I recently went on an underground mine tour, hopeful to find sapphires. Along the way, we came across these two little microbats crammed...

Teresa Badrock
Jun 28, 2022
What happened next...
After continuing to play with the wolves of my heart, I realised it was like they were giving me nudges in particular directions. Almost...