Teresa Badrock
May 20, 2016
"Only draw what you can see"
Winter is coming. Hmmm...what things can I do to keep my mind occupied this winter? I was discussing this with a mate and she suggested...

Teresa Badrock
Apr 27, 2016
What would you like to happen next?
I’ve been using this question with clients the last few weeks to help them concentrate on what they want, rather than all the things they...

Teresa Badrock
Mar 15, 2016
The Art of Reframing
I shared a post on Facebook a month ago with a picture of scales and a quote underneath saying: “This scale will only tell you the...

Teresa Badrock
Feb 24, 2016
Figuring out what you want
I've being chatting to friends and clients and they're saying similar things about being overwhelmed with lots of things happening at the...

Teresa Badrock
Jan 15, 2016
Dance into 2016!
One of the things I get a laugh out of each Christmas are the random and bizarre present’s people are given. This year it was my turn...

Teresa Badrock
Dec 18, 2015
Christmas: The pessimist & optimist view
I remember hearing this story about a man with two twin boys. He noticed that one would always be really pessimistic and the other...

Teresa Badrock
Nov 23, 2015
Inside my head
Argh what's going on in my head?!? Why do these negative thoughts and emotions keep popping up all the time? My mind has such a big...

Teresa Badrock
Oct 28, 2015
Letting things be different to how you imagine
I recently brought a couple of new bits of furniture; a bookshelf and a bunk. I got everything home and was feeling pretty pumped and...